November is a month to remember and celebrate our veterans and their selfless acts of service to our country. At Three Rivers Legal Services, we support our veterans throughout the year with legal representation and free legal advice related to housing, VA benefits, social security, and family law.

As a Supportive Services for Veterans and Families (SSVF) recipient in 17 of Florida’s counties, we prioritize veteran assistance as part of our overarching mission. We also work with various community partners to connect with veterans. In addition, we provide legal clinics to answer questions and deliver aid to veterans. 


Veteran Homelessness

Did you know 8.6% of adults experiencing homelessness are veterans?1 In 2018, 18 out of every 10,000 veterans experienced homelessness on any given night in the U.S.1 The good news is that the number of homeless veterans reduced by half since 2009. In Florida, the results are even greater with a reduction of 65% of homeless veterans since 2009.1 This change is due to a focus on homelessness by the Department of Veterans Affairs, local community resources and legal aid services like those provided by Three Rivers Legal Services.


In general, people experience homelessness for many common reasons, including disabilities, substance abuse, poverty, a lack of affordable housing and family breakdown. However, homeless veterans experience higher rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse than other homeless populations.2 Homeless veterans are also more likely to be male, single and come from low-income households.2


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD Impact on Veterans

Around 11% to 20% of veterans will experience PTSD at some point in their lifetime because of their military service.3 The numbers are even higher for Vietnam veterans, with 30% experiencing PTSD at some point in their lifetime.3 Regardless of the source of PTSD, the impacts on the lives of veterans often lead to other negative outcomes like homelessness, inability to maintain a job or physical symptoms.


Veterans’ Legal Rights and Resources

Did you know that your status as a veteran offers access to specific legal protections? One such legal protection relates to employment. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) ensures companies that do business with the federal government must take steps to recruit and hire veterans as part of their contractual agreement.4 Also, veterans receive protection from discrimination due to a disability or other issue related to their military service.


The MISSION Act is a newer program designed to help veterans obtain access to healthcare and provide support to caregivers. This program links to the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers to grant resources to the people who care for veterans. Resources may include: a monthly stipend, mental health counseling, training and a Caregiver Support Line.5 Overall, the goal is to support those that support veterans.


Determining whether you qualify for VA healthcare benefits often creates confusion. If you consider the burdens of homelessness or PTSD, navigating the rules and regulations becomes even more difficult. This makes legal support, like that provided by Three Rivers Legal Services, necessary to obtain your rightful coverage. We help you understand what criteria make you more likely to receive benefits and what may disqualify you for services, like a dishonorable discharge.


Homeless veterans have access to programs specific to their needs. These include housing, foreclosure, healthcare and employment assistance.6 Regional Veteran Affairs offices now have a Homeless Outreach Coordinator to help point veterans in the right direction to take advantage of these programs. This renewed focus on homeless veterans is one reason the number has dropped over the last decade.


Florida Support for Veterans

Three Rivers Legal Services frequently holds legal clinics and works closely with community partners to provide legal advice for veterans and access to resources. Some of these community partners include Changing Homelessness, SSVF Volunteers of America, SSVF Meridian, and social workers within the community. These community partners regularly refer those in need to Three Rivers for legal assistance, so we encourage anyone who may need help to contact them directly.


If you are a veteran in need of legal assistance, please reach out to Three Rivers Legal Services or one of our trusted partners. We want to help you receive the services and benefits earned during your service to our country.

A woman who was in the military experienced sexual trauma while serving, which resulted in severe PTSD. This trauma affected her ability to work and because of that, in 2012 she lost her job. Because there was no visible disability and she was highly educated, her situation was severely misunderstood. It was difficult for others to understand how she felt while dealing with this trauma while attempting to live and work a normal day-to-day life, and this hurdle became ultimately impossible for her to overcome.


After losing her job and home in 2012, this client finally came to Three Rivers Legal Services for help in 2017. Staff attorney, Katrina Hamilton, began advocating for her VA and social security benefits. Since the hearings began in 2018, the client has been awarded her full VA and social security benefits, including back award for both, and was deemed totally disabled due to her sexual trauma. Because of these benefits, a VA compensation of over $3,000 per month and a social security compensation of over $1,000 per month, she was able to get back on her feet, get a house, and care for herself and her children. The financial burden is no longer affecting her mental well-being, and she is now able to live a normal life and have financial support because of the representation she received from Three Rivers Legal Services.



  1.     The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, “The 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress.” 2018.
  2.     We Honor Veterans, “Homeless Veterans.”
  3.     U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, “PTSD: National Center for PTSD.” 2018.
  4.     OFCCP, “Know Your Rights: Protected Veterans’ Rights.” 2016.
  5.     U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, “MISSION Act Strengthens VA Care.” 2019.
  6.     U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, “Homeless Veterans.” 2013.